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Subala 21: Total Life Detox

In 3 weeks, detox your diet & distractions and purge the excess through community guidance and highlighting SPACE within your day. 

  • Are you tired of being tired? 

  • Are you paralyzed with what to do first when it comes to cleaning up your routines? 

  • Do you feel anxious when going to the doctor for checkups? 

  • Do you often pick foods out of convenience of because you are starving and didn't meal prep? 

  • Are you constantly prepping for getting healthy, losing weight, cleaning your pantry, but actually make no progress?

  • Do you feel guilty after indulging - on food, relaxation or self care? 

  • Are you waiting for something monumental to change your perspective? 

  • Do you find that you can't break a certain number on the scale, no matter what you do? 

  • Do you get sucked into your phone for 30+ minutes when the task should have taken 5? 

  • Do you constantly scroll through trash emails, old photos, TikTok or Instagram looking for that one great thing you saw and can't find it?

  • Or do you simply believe there is room for improvement in your life in general? 

Me too. 

Well, not anymore - but I did. At one point in time these were things I did or was irritated about in my life and my beliefs and they were very real. I've been there. I was waiting for something to simplify me.

 And it sucked. 

I have had calendars color coded and still missed appointments. 

I have tried every diet and workout fad possible. 

I have spend thousands of dollars on equipment, recipe books, workout guides, trainers and courses to learn how to better take care of my health, mind and body. 

I promised to myself that if I could figure out great tips and tricks to teach people how to operate their body like a manual or guide, I'd do that.

I was meant to teach and help people. 

Download my **FREE** tip sheet on eating healthier here! 

Maybe you might not be interested in detoxing right now or you think that adding in a few extra veggies would help - here is a clean eating guide to help you on your journey! 

Subala21 is the "cliff notes" towhat I learned the hard way

After I did this just for me for 2 or 3 seasons, I decided it was too good not to share. 
First, I had to work on what it was that I wanted to Detox.

When I say Detox, I mean: 

I had patters, behaviors and beliefs around food, diet, hunger, organization and simplicity that were not conducive to seasonal changes, health & wellness. They weren't helping me maintain health as a teacher, trainer, coach or mentor. They were leaving me sluggish, out of time and run down each season. Summer would end and I wasn't ready for the early nights. Spring Break would come early and I was still wrapped up in my Snuggie when the sun peaked out around 7 AM. 

I just wasn't ready, because I didn't get ready and prep for the inevitable. 

This slight schedule change and little prep for my body and system decreased my seasonal depression and had me meeting goals and success way earlier and efficiently. I changed the way I looked at "DETOX" and made it about simplifying my life for 21 days. That's it!
You can do anything for 21 days! 

When you redefine detox, you realizeit's more than just "eating clean"

I just didn't know how or what to put together. Being a teacher, I wanted it super organized, aesthetically pleasing and for the Homework to be interesting to those who hated homework. 

To teach this and to teach it well would take me about 2 years to complete. 

Not only did I change the role food, clothing and things played in my mind and environment, I began to understand clutter, excess and things that could impede progression and clear thinking. I taught myself a simple yet profound sequence of events in a week and a season to clear the clutter and move through whatever is causing stagnation. 

After sharing my work with 10 of my closest friends and clients, I can tell you that the next steps are are derived from inspired action for you to build up your success in overall health and wellness. 

Feeling calm about food, food intake, workouts, sleep and work in general are integral to living a stress free life. I feel that if you remove all of the clutter from your home space, workspace, desk, night stand, etc, you will be a harder worker with a clear mind to make really hard decisions. 


It's time to declutter, destress, dejunkand simplify your life.Just in 21 days

Why now? 

I can't guarantee specific results from this three week immersion, my attorney would have a fit. But I can tell you that you will go in differently than you will come out, in a clearer, goal oriented, "I know what the real problem & solution are" manner.
Not to mention: The Economy is a shit show

Wouldn't it be nice to reign in your stress?
Curb your spending habits? 
Own your free time and schedule? 
Not pig out when the world turns sideways?

It feels good to follow seasonal rituals, I promise.
Actually, it feels good to feel good! 

I can tell you that the students that have taken this course have said that the Subala21 Day Detox has helped them drop the pesky 5-10 extra pounds, release their boundary-less persona, establish habits rooted in the changes of the seasons and in general, receiving more health from the world we live in (instead of attracting illness and disease.)

More specifically, they tellme that this course changedtheir life for the better.

The Details
What you get

A seasonal detox is the perfect way to reset your body and mind, allowing you to release what no longer serves you as we transition into a new season. Here’s what to expect when you join us:

1️⃣ Week 1 -Start Out
In the first week, we’ll gently guide you into your personalized detox journey. This is your time to align with the detox path that resonates with you, with support from Chrissie. Imagine stepping back from the hustle and finding a wiser, more balanced rhythm in life. This week is all about prioritizing self-care and nurturing your transformation.

2️⃣ Week 2 - Go Deeper
By the second week, your focus will sharpen as you begin to shed distractions and dive deeper into the detox process. New realizations will emerge as you choose from 5 nourishment options tailored to your unique needs. 

3️⃣ Week 3 - Gently Leave
After 21 days of Subala 21: Total Life Detox, you’ll emerge transformed, with a stronger rhythm and healthier habits. Say goodbye to outdated patterns and step into a leaner, cleaner, and more joyful version of yourself. Chrissie will help you transition smoothly, focusing on what’s next in your ongoing well-being journey.

  • Integrate ease into learning a detox by just simplifying everything you do, every step 

  • Identify and shift patterns related to habit and remove the unhelpful stories or believes about why we do what we do

  • Own and agree that it is necessary to have seasonal change in sleep, food and energetic habits, even during the days within the season


  • Subala21 Course Community where you will have lifetime access to each seasonal detox upgrade, year after year and a community message board to check in with each other to maintain accountability


  • Subala21 Detox Workbook where you can answer prompts, critical thinking questions, write down menus and food choices, habit trackers and more


The Perfect Bonus for the perfect detox

  • Fast Mimicking Diet > Learn how and what to cook while on a 5 day FMD


  • Digital Detox > 2 weeks of a serious purge through your phone and device's clutter like your email accounts, photos, text messages and address book 



  • When you sign up for our October 2024 Detox and pay full price, you will have LIFETIME access to the Detox pages so you can follow along with us in the seasons to come! 

Subala Detox is OPEN

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this detox suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The OCTOBER DETOX is designed for all levels, whether you're new to detoxing or have done it before. It's a perfect foundational cleanse with a supportive community to guide you through the process.

How much time will I need to commit each week?

You'll likely discover that you have more time during the detox! Our video trainings are short and efficient, and you can choose how much you want to engage with the community. As your energy improves, you may find yourself naturally wanting to participate more.

What if I regularly consume coffee, weed, or wine?

No need to worry! Start exactly where you are. We focus on introducing healthier habits, so over time, your cravings for less healthy substances will naturally fade. Many members report losing their cravings altogether as they begin to feel better.

I have a special event during the detox. Can I still participate?

Absolutely! Life goes on, even during a detox. You can adjust the detox to fit your schedule and commitments. In fact, learning how to detox around your everyday life will help you maintain your health year-round!

What is the return policy?

Unfortunately, given the nature of the course, no returns are accepted. You will have the course for life and there are 4 quarters with different themed topics. If one quarter doesn't pique your interest, there will be others more relevant.

How long will I have access to the program?

Enrolling in 2024 you will have the program FOR LIFE! Any iteration and change that occurs you will be the first to have it. 

I’m already pretty healthy. Is this detox still for me?

Yes! Whether you're already feeling great or dealing with chronic symptoms, the OCTOBER DETOX can help you elevate your health even further. It's about empowering yourself to become your own best healer.

Subala Detox is OPEN

A note from Chrissie

Hi, I'm Chrissie! 

I am a teacher, trainer, owner of an online educational platform and a goal oriented, healthy forward thinker in all things wellness. 

I want to tell you about how I got here. 

You see, I didn't always think and believe in working for your health, I have great genes. I thought health would come really really easy to me, all the time. Then, I was diagnosed with a genetic mutation. Then, all of the women in my family were diagnosed with cancer. Then, I tapped into the blood pressure problems my family had and I realized, it's going to take more than good genes to stay healthy. 

I believe that the human body has the power to heal itself and is inherently healthly, until we abuse and expose it to "normal things" that end up causing more harm than good. 

I had a lot of work to do. I had to reevaluate what the definition of health was, what it was to be healthy and really what it felt like to be healthy. 

As I did the work, I began to view myself differently but so did the people around me. As I learned more, I added this course as a supplement to The Yoga Health Club, a one year course in how to take back the definition of health and wellness the right way. 

Two years after leading detoxes with The Yoga Health Club, here we are. I created a 3-4 week detox that simplifies what you need to do to reset your energy, attention, diet, exercise and self for the season ahead. 

You will have lifetime access so this course will evolve and grow with you, as the seasons change. 

Are you ready???

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