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The first of the month...

I'm sorry, there's nothing special about January first...

Hear me out. January first is a date with many pressures and expectations attached to it. Many people put off their goals, resolutions and aspirations in favor of the new year beginning.

My point is, why wait? Who put more importance on January first than March first?? Or July first?

Take this as a sign to not wait. If you want to "Make a New Year's Resolution to drink more water" - start today. Your body needs it, it's a healthy habit, you really have nothing to lose by starting 5 days early. If you put this off for another 5 days, maybe you will suffer a terrible hangover on January 1. Maybe your hypertension will skyrocket when you hear something happened.

Another example could be eating healthy, losing weight, reading more pages from your book, investing more time in your Bible study or pages - whatever it is! These are all things that you could start now..

Let's not forget about the people that start these happy and great resolutions and then fall off the band wagon January 15... Feb 14... March 30. Don't fall off the wagon completely, start right back up again. There is nothing special about January 1.

If you know me, you know I started the #75Hard Challenge in the fall of 2021. I was interested in the rigidity, I appreciated the community, I really liked what other people's outcomes were so I wanted to start it. I started around Aug 12 or something close to the beginning of the school year. I made it 50 something days. I gained weight, stressed out about working out twice a day, fought with social pulls... I was miserable peeing out a gallon of water daily until 2:00 AM. The thing to #75Hard that discourages people is the momentum created and if you mess up, you need to start all the way back over tomorrow. I dig that.

Starting a New Year's Resolution can be rejuvenating and refreshing - everyone is doing it and there is obvious momentum. My main point is that, if you can't start Jan 1, start December 28. Or Jan 13. Whenever it dawns on you to change to these healthy habits - DO IT.

On the strength of the #75Hard Challenge - THERE ARE NO BAD DAYS OR MESS UPS. This is your life! This was an average day in your life and I guarantee, whatever you think you messed up, you meant to do it. Pick right back up tomorrow. There are no days off, there are no mess ups, there are no oops.

What will you change up? Today. Tomorrow. On January 1? Whenever you want to. Ready for this?

How about you pick 12 micro goals to help you along the way. Choose a date to move to the next goal. Here's a suggestion:

  1. Drink more water

  2. Read 10 pages from a real book

  3. Spend 15 minutes a day sitting in stillness

  4. First thing in the morning, wake up and MOVE instead of scroll #StopTheScroll

  5. Purge your kitchen/bathroom/garage everyday.

  6. Cook one fresh meal a day (at least)

  7. Eat more vegetables than carbs or meats

  8. No new purchases or plastics

  9. Compliment someone each day

  10. Start a 15 minute breathing practice

  11. Get outside each day for Vitamin D, exercise and fresh air

  12. Choose positive vocabulary over negative ie "no but" becomes "Yes, and..."

It's sometimes hard to narrow down where your focus is in life so if my list of suggestions isn't resonating for you, RE DO IT! You have ultimate control. Like I always say, I am the guide and you are walking the path. Hopefully, this is a little realignment or redirection as we near the beginning of 2023!

As always, my heart hugs your heart! ~ Chrissie

PS. You wanted to know my resolutions? HA! Okay...

In 2022 I resolved to drink more water and IT WORKED. I drink a liter of warm water first thing in the morning, usually on my way to school. While I do that, I listen to Audible on my drink - usually yoga, dharma, ayurveda, psychology, pain management. Non-fiction for sure.

So, in 2023 I have a few things I would like to accomplish - some with a lot of energy and some by default. Here they are in no particular order as I have not strategized quite yet - hello procrastinator!

  1. Get married

  2. Find my comfortable seat for meditating again

  3. Utilize Red Light Therapy

  4. Do one thing a month restorative for my body (like a massage, float tank, visioning, body work, etc)

  5. Leave school and catapult Subala as a single female run business (HOLY SHIT!!)

  6. Maintain my weight (Truthbomb: I weirdly gain and lose with stress - I take no action. I eat the same! You have probably seen this in the past year. I just want to stay within 5 pounds of "normal" but haven't seen that in a while)

  7. Stop being busy and practice the art of freedom

  8. Be more patient, resilient and a better listener

  9. Continue to buy less, purge more and spend money on memories and not things

  10. Devote more time in a day to spiritual listening, learning and observing

  11. Continue to teach CPR and find time to volunteer that gift

  12. Follow my dharma of teaching and helping people who seek my gift of human body alignment, feeling better and circadian rhythms.



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