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Spring Equinox: 5 Tips for a Reset

Embracing the Spring Equinox: A Time for Renewal and Balance

The Spring Equinox, also known as the Vernal Equinox, graces us in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20 this year. This day marks a farewell to the chill of winter as day and night balance out globally, signaling a time of equal light and darkness. It's a period when nature awakens in a riot of growth, colors, and sounds. Trees stretch their limbs, buds unfurl, butterflies dance into the air, and birds sing their ancient melodies. We, too, feel the shift, trading heavy coats for the light embrace of cardigans and infusing our wardrobes with splashes of vibrant colors.

Spring's arrival stirs a deep yearning within us for renewal and fresh starts. It’s the perfect moment to embrace rituals that celebrate change, growth, rejuvenation, and new beginnings. Rituals act as intentional acts performed to symbolize a transition, helping us to acknowledge and process the shift from one season or phase of life to another. They’re a powerful way to consciously engage with the changes within us and around us, allowing us to set intentions and embrace new paths with open hearts.

Throughout history and across cultures, rituals have played a crucial role in marking significant moments, bridging the gap between the past and the future, the old and the new. These practices can profoundly influence our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, providing structure and meaning to our lives.

As the Spring Equinox approaches, I encourage you to explore rituals that resonate with you to welcome the vibrancy of spring. Whether it’s through engaging with the natural world, setting intentions for the months ahead, or simply pausing to reflect on the beauty of renewal, these practices can serve as a beacon of light guiding you toward growth and revitalization.

1. Complete 108 Sun Salutations

It's a well-known yogic tradition to practice 108 Sun Salutations on the Spring Equinox to move stagnant energy around. The number 108 carries mystique, weaving through various spiritual traditions with its significance, imbuing the practice of Sun Salutations with a deeper, sacred meaning. As you repeat the sequences, the movements transform into a moving meditation, a rhythm that connects you to the present moment and your intentions.

The commitment to complete 108 Sun Salutations is no small feat and may feel daunting, even for those who regularly step onto the mat. If this is the case, consider personalizing the number to something that holds special meaning for you. Many people do half of 108 or even a quarter! You can also choose something that resonates with you like:

  • Your age

  • The date

  • A lucky number that has always followed you

Or, if the physical practice feels too much, why not embrace a meditative practice instead? Malas, beautiful strands of 108 beads often worn or used in meditation, offer a perfect alternative. Rolling each bead through your fingers while reciting a positive affirmation or mantra can serve as a powerful ritual to commemorate significant moments or to simply offer yourself a moment of reflection and reset.

Here's what to do:

  • Choose Your Setting: Decide whether this journey is one you'll embark on in solitude or with the collective energy of a group.

  • Time Allocation: Reserve approximately 90 to 120 minutes for this practice, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the experience without rush.

  • Counting Mechanism: Use tangible items like pebbles, shells, or beads to keep a count of your Sun Salutations, adding a tactile element to your practice.

  • Adapt and Modify: Listen to your body and adjust the poses as necessary to avoid injury, especially as fatigue sets in.

  • Take Breaks: Predetermine moments of rest, honoring your body’s needs throughout the practice.

  • Musical Ambiance: Enhance your practice with music that uplifts or calms you, setting the tone for your spiritual journey.

  • Post-Practice Care: Prepare for some muscle soreness the following day—a reminder of your dedication and strength.

Embracing this ritual, whether through the physical flow of Sun Salutations or the meditative repetition of mantras, offers a profound way to honor the transitions in seasons and in life, grounding you in your intentions and connecting you with the universal energies at play.

2. Grow Something

Symbolism: Planting seeds symbolizes nurturing ideas, intentions, and dreams, allowing them to grow and flourish.

Practical Tips: Offer advice on easy-to-grow plants for beginners, whether they're starting a small vegetable garden, planting flowers, or even indoor herbs. Include tips on how to care for them.

Connection to Wellness: Link the act of gardening to physical and mental health benefits, such as increased vitamin D exposure, exercise, and the therapeutic effect of connecting with nature.

3. Get Outside

Activities: Suggest outdoor activities that cater to various interests and fitness levels, such as hiking, biking, or simply taking a walk in nature. Emphasize the importance of being present and mindful during these activities to fully enjoy the benefits of nature.

Wellness Connection: Explain how spending time outdoors can improve mood, reduce stress, and increase physical activity, contributing to overall well-being.

4. Cleanse the Gut

Overview: Briefly explain the concept of detoxing or fasting and its potential benefits, including improved digestion and energy levels.

Guidelines: Provide general guidelines for a safe and effective detox or fast, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's body and consulting with a healthcare professional beforehand.

Alternatives: For those who may not be interested or able to participate in a traditional detox or fast, suggest alternative ways to support gut health, such as incorporating probiotic-rich foods into their diet.

5. Reassess New Year's Resolutions

Reflection: Encourage readers to reflect on their New Year's resolutions and consider how they align with their current goals and values.

Adjustment: Offer strategies for modifying these resolutions to make them more attainable and relevant. Stress the importance of self-compassion and flexibility in goal setting.

Spring Intentions: Guide readers in setting new intentions for the spring season, focusing on growth, renewal, and personal well-being.

The Spring Equinox is a powerful time to embrace the renewal and balance that nature offers. By engaging in meaningful rituals, we can align ourselves with the rhythms of the Earth and nurture our bodies, minds, and spirits. Whether through physical practices like Sun Salutations, connecting with nature, or setting new intentions, we can welcome the vibrancy of spring with open hearts and a sense of purpose. May this season of renewal bring you growth, joy, and a deeper connection to the world around you.

Have you heard of The Yoga Health Club yet? It's a year long journey that dives into rhythm, nourishment and YOU. We tap back into mother nature, we use the motivation of togetherness and we adapt our schedules to healthier choices and learn the habits of longevity. If this is something that you'd like to learn more about, schedule a call with Chrissie here:


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