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Rethinking Hydration

Rethinking Hydration: A Yogi’s Journey to Proper Water Consumption

How many times have you heard the advice to "drink more water" and found yourself rolling your eyes? Whether it's from your mom, your doctor, or your gym instructor, the message is everywhere. Despite our best intentions, many of us struggle to maintain adequate water intake.

For a long time, I was in the same boat. I would increase my water consumption for a few weeks, only to end up frustrated by the constant trips to the bathroom. Eventually, I would give up, feeling like it was more hassle than it was worth.

But there's a better way to approach hydration, and it begins with understanding how to drink water effectively.

Our bodies are made up mostly of water, which is essential for dissolving nutrients, regulating temperature, and lubricating our organs. However, we lose water daily through various bodily functions, making replenishment crucial for optimal health.

One time, I noticed persistent dryness—my lips, skin, eyes, and even hair felt parched. I also experienced inflammation, with skin issues, clogged pores, and red eyes. My urine was dark yellow instead of the light yellow it should be, and constipation was becoming an uncomfortable norm. I rarely sweated, even during yoga sessions. These signs were my body’s way of crying out for more water.

Ayurveda, the ancient holistic healing system, emphasizes not just drinking water but absorbing it effectively. I realized that chugging water wasn’t the answer, as I often found myself urinating clear liquid shortly after. This indicated that my body wasn’t absorbing the water properly.

So, I decided to change my approach. I started opting for lukewarm or hot water instead of ice-cold, which aids digestion and circulation. Adding ingredients like unrefined mineral salt, lemon, soaked chia seeds, or ginger enhanced my water absorption. I began my days with a tall glass of warm water to flush out toxins.

Setting a daily water intake goal became a game-changer. I aimed to drink half my body weight in ounces and used a designated water bottle to track my intake. Sipping water gradually, rather than chugging it, especially during meals, made a huge difference.

Here's how my typical day of water intake looked:

  • Upon waking: I drank two glasses of water. It was a refreshing way to start the day, waking up my system.

  • Before meals: About 30-45 minutes before each meal, I had a glass of water. This not only helped with digestion but also curbed overeating.

  • Between meals: I made sure to drink at least one glass of water.

  • Before bedtime: I had one glass of water, ensuring I didn't overdo it to avoid nighttime bathroom trips.

I found that sitting down while drinking water promoted mindful consumption, much like eating.

When it came to exercise, I adjusted my water intake accordingly:

  • Before exercise: I had a glass of water about 15-30 minutes prior.

  • During exercise: I sipped water as needed.

  • After exercise: I drank a glass of water to replenish lost fluids.

As I adopted these water habits, I started to notice significant changes in my body. My skin became more hydrated, the dryness subsided, and my energy levels increased. In just a month, I felt a world of difference, welcoming a new sense of vitality and well-being.

Hydration isn’t just about drinking water; it's about integrating mindful practices that align with our body's needs. Cheers to staying hydrated and thriving on your wellness journey!

If you are looking for a way to learn healthy habits of daily living and just a better quality of living, The Yoga Health Club might be for you. I don't know anything who wouldn't be a good candidate actually. In the Yoga Health Club we move from surviving and just barely getting by to thriving in our own bodies, our own environment and we take back and redefine what HEALTH is, together. If you'd like to know more, schedule a call with Chrissie here:


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