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Plants + Nourishment

Plants serve as natural healers, providing us with valuable medicinal properties through their abundant growth of sprouts, leaves, fruits, and vegetables, all in harmony with the rhythm of the seasons. While plants produce their own food using energy and materials from the environment, humans rely on consuming these gifts for nourishment. I would be very happy if I could survive and make energy from just sunlight and water, but alas, I am human - not a plant.

Consider the impact of incorporating green smoothies or juices into your daily routine. Hemoglobin, a protein in our blood cells responsible for oxygen transport, closely resembles chlorophyll, a pigment found in plants that produces oxygen. When ingested, chlorophyll aids in oxygenation, effectively supporting cellular health. By consuming plant-based beverages, you're enriching your cells with vital oxygen.

Pro Tip- Add a handful of Spinach to any smoothie. Yes, the color will change. No, you can't taste it.

Living in sync with the natural world, plants adhere to seasonal cycles, teaching us valuable lessons for human behavior. Just as plants thrive by respecting seasonal changes, so too should we align ourselves with nature's rhythms for optimal well-being. Each season offers unique nourishment! Check it out:

Spring Growth: During the Kapha season of spring, characterized by heaviness and stability, seeds planted in the moist earth begin their journey. As Pitta energy emerges with increasing sunlight and warmth, sprouts burst forth, dense with nutrients and life force.

Summer Gifts: Summer embodies the qualities of Pitta, with its intensity and abundance. Plants utilize this energy to flourish, offering oxygen-rich nutrients through their lush foliage. It's the ideal time to embrace the vitality of greens, fruits, and flowers at their peak.

Fall Balance: Vata dominates the fall season, introducing dryness and mobility. Root vegetables, thriving in the earth's depths, embody qualities of density and grounding. Consuming these foods helps us stay rooted amidst seasonal changes.

Winter Restore: Winter signals a time of rest and restoration in nature. As activity slows, it's essential to indulge in nourishing, grounding foods to sustain us through the colder months. Embracing Kapha energy prepares us for the cycle's renewal in spring.

By attuning ourselves to the offerings of each season and embracing plant-based nutrition, we can thrive in harmony with our environment. The plants seek to nourish us—are we open to receiving their gifts?

Are you ready to attune to the seasons and tap into universal wellness? The Yoga Health Club is in full swing with Quarter 2 starting June 11! No need to wait, you have a full year in the club! For more information, go to



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