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October 2023 Q&A (Wedding Edition Pt 1)

Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions on Instagram, Facebook, email and in-person — The influx of new followers has been great and I am happy to answer any questions.

I plan to keep this up each month in an attempt to be a better blogger! Make sure to follow my personal account on Instagram @yogitrainer and also my business account @subala843 If Facebook is more your scene, I’m at I’d say you could subscribe to my emails but we all know I don’t send very many of them.. You can ask questions on any of those social media platforms!

I'd also like to encourage you to check out my Pinterest Page for any inspiration you didn't know you needed

First 3 Questions

1. What is/was the hardest part of planning your wedding?

It was actually getting on board with having a wedding. You see, I have always wanted to get married. ALWAYS. However, some of the lore and luster goes away for a girl when her dad dies and for me, my dad died 10 years ago. I really wanted to sneak away to somewhere beautiful to just indulge in rest, food, love, travel, exploration and togetherness. I couldn't have thought of something more perfect - discreet, quite, intimate, close and then after re-centering, having a big blowout party a month or 6 later. I stalled 3 months in making any first moves in planning anything - including denying an engagement party.

The second hardest thing was discernment. When you do something for the first time it's like you have a sign. on that says "HELP ME!" so everyone gives you their advice and opinion. Some advice I got floored me, and some confused me even more. I really had to discern were people giving me advice for my wedding or were they just talking about their experiences planning theirs.

2. What is/was the easiest part?

I think since I knew what I wanted to avoid as far as what I envisioned, it was easy for me to say "NO" to absolute negatives. There were many things I wasn't sure about or didn't have an opinion about but for the things that I knew I disliked, it was really easy to deny those things.

3. How organized were your? Do you remember what your first and last tasks were that you crossed off?

Uhh - yah. Pretty much having been a high school teacher and "Daddy's Little Girl" I had planned a wedding since I was 15. I had a notebook and everything. The first thing I crossed off was to go to the Bridal Expo in Myrtle Beach to get some inspiration and get in the mood of having a wedding. The second thing I did was book these fabulous girls at Ash Events to be my wedding coordinators and the third thing I did was book Ryan Robinson with Global Truth Entertainment for my DJ since Ryan and I worked some commercials together years ago.

As far as the last thing - I am currently about 9 days out and I have to finish the program, finish the playlist (and determine our first dance sing), make my backdrop, find something borrowed, handwrite my vows, pack my bag, determine a few other details and get Matt from the airport. Of course, all the beauty stuff too like nails, spray tan, eyelashes, hair and make up day of - that kind of stuff. [I know I teach yoga and mindfulness which sometimes sounds like minimalist but I am totally a girly girl and this is my first wedding so - bells and whistles are necessary. Also, there is no judgement in yoga so - no eye rolls here! ]

That's all for now - check back at the end of the month for Part 2!


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