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May 2024 Q&A

Make sure to follow my personal account on Instagram @yogitrainer and also my business account @subala843 If Facebook is more your scene, I’m at I’d say you could subscribe to my emails but we all know I don’t send very many of them.. You can ask questions on any of those social media platforms!

I'd also like to encourage you to check out my Pinterest Page for any inspiration you didn't know you needed

First 3 Questions

  • How often should I work out each week?

I think each and every day you need to move for a minimum of 20 minutes which could be a morning or evening walk. However, that's not your "workout".

Your workout is above and beyond what you do to feel good on a daily basis. I think everyone should be working out anywhere between 2 and 7 times a week. The variation is because everyone is built differently and has different bodies, schedules and lifestyles.

Moving your body really shouldn't even be out of the ordinary or something we're looking for parameters around - its absolutely necessary and helpful for longevity!

  • What do I need to bring to a yoga class?

If you have your own yoga mat bring that! If you are a heavy sweater or you know the class will be sweaty, then maybe a towel or a mat towel specifically. A water bottle is always helpful! You don't need socks or shoes at all! If you have a strap or blocks I am sure that is helpful (it is in my classes since I travel and bring props to people). Most all yoga instructors welcome conversation or questions so if you are ever curious just ask!

  • What can I do to prevent future injuries?

Injuries in general can be prevented by appropriate technique, warm up and cool down. Sometimes injuries happen in yoga because we go out of our typical Range of Motion, repetition or an abrupt motion or movement. This is where mindfulness and quieting the ego come into play. If we can get the ego to quiet and not be so competitive, we can actually feel where we are and take that as an indicator to move forwards or stay still - without the guilt of the ego jamming us forwards too far.

If you are looking for a way to learn how to set boundaries with your schedule, food choices or even more discipline with your workouts or time management, The Yoga Health Club might be for you. I don't know anything who wouldn't be a good candidate actually. In the Yoga Health Club we move from surviving and just barely getting by to thriving in our own bodies, our own environment and we take back and redefine what HEALTH is, together. If you'd like to know more, schedule a call with Chrissie here:


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