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May 2023 Q&A

Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions on Instagram, Facebook, email and in-person — The influx of new followers has been great and I am happy to answer any questions.

I plan to keep this up each month in an attempt to be a better blogger! Make sure to follow my personal account on Instagram @yogitrainer and also my business account @subala843 If Facebook is more your scene, I’m at I’d say you could subscribe to my emails but we all know I don’t send very many of them.. You can ask questions on any of those social media platforms!

I'd also like to encourage you to check out my Pinterest Page for any inspiration you didn't know you needed

First 3 Questions

Q1: Do you follow a special diet or eating style.

Well, yes and no, I guess. I have tried them all. I have done Atkin’s, various juice fasts, vegan, pescatarian, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, I have had many curious moments.

In general, I subscribe to the fact that food is fuel and you shouldn’t feel sick if you are eating right. It’s unnatural to be in constant pain. As a matter of face, it’s caustic. It creates the inflammatory response and that triggers hormones that we don’t want around unless we are truly frightened.

Back to food - don’t over eat, minimize snacking, really CHEW your food, drink plenty of water with meals, eat an earlier lighter dinner, drink a liter of water before you go start your day - that seems to do the trick!

Turns out that the way I eat is mostly around Intermittent Fasting. I did it in college without titling it anything but really, it's just not grazing or snacking for longer periods of time so you can actually feel hungry. When you're truly hungry, you eat better and can feel t he sensations of fullness as opposed to boredom!

Q2. What is your favorite book or Podcast?

I will be the weird that says, I am not really interested in Podcasts. They seem like talk shows to me and I dislike listening to them usually. However, I have a 45 minute drive to and from work everyday so I prefer listening to Audible books. I have really come to enjoy anything by Ryan Holiday! He’s a mainstream author who studies stoicism - I would love to be more stoic but I just don’t have what it takes clearly. Other authors I enjoy are Emily Nagasaki, Anodea Judith, Kate O’Donnell, and Bernie Clark.

As far as my favorite book, this vacillates I feel like every time I read something pivotal. However, Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey and Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins have been my all time favorite “listens” over the past year - mainly because each man narrates their own book.

Q3: What Dosha are you?

Ahh, you can always tell a yogi asking the question! I am a Vata-Pitta and I am showing a Vata imbalance right now. I feel like this is spot on for me. If you want to know more, Google “Dosha Quiz” and there are a plethora of options. I like the Banyan Botanicals one and also The Chopra Center.

Check back at the end of June for more!


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