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Get movin'

So, know you’re no stranger to the benefits of exercise. We all know that exercising can boost immunity, maintain a healthy weight, and even lift our spirits. Yet, despite this knowledge, many of us find ourselves more sedentary than ever, glued to chairs for nearly eight hours a day. It’s ironic that the more we know about exercise’s benefits, the less likely we are to engage in it. You can find more research from this catchy article "Sitting is the new smoking" from The Mayo Clinic.

Let’s face it: bridging the gap between knowing and doing isn’t about motivation alone. Motivation ebbs and flows; it might get us moving sporadically but won’t sustain a daily routine. The real game-changer here is habit—simple yet profound. When exercise becomes a habit, it’s no longer a question of if, but when and how.

Habit + Fitness is quickly becoming my niche and personal life hack. I wasn’t always the fitness enthusiast and yoga teacher I am today. In fact, I spent my early years as a baby giraffe, barely touching physical activities because I sustained a traumatic injury to my face and missed out on the crucial hand eye coordination years. Independent sports like snow skiing and competitive swimming only brought me so far in athleticism and discipline - it wasn't until I joined a gym that I understood scheduling, routine and stretching for a workout - not a warm up or recovery.

Side note: I did get into running for a hot minute. More like hot summer! I joined a running club, ran a few races and overall enjoyed the camaraderie. I hated running. My favorite part of the run was the end, where we could stretch. I wanted to be the person that showed up late to the event, cheered people on at the finish line and then guide them to their oranges, bananas and stretches. Here's proof!

Enter yoga—in a mirrored room, at the local gym - it wasn’t glamorous, but it became my weekly ritual. Gradually, I felt my body respond, prompting me to make more changes. I'd arrive early and throw around some weights or I'd stay late and sit in the sauna. All of these new to me healthy rituals were adding up. Within two years I was a certified yoga instructor, a certified personal trainer and a fitness nutritionist. I wouldn't say I was addicted by any means - but I knew what I loved and was good at which is kinesiology and injury prevention. This went hand and hand with what I already knew.

Looking back, I unknowingly practiced kaizen—small, incremental changes that snowball into transformative results. I learned not to rely solely on motivation and good genes, but to nurture habits that I could sustain and build upon. Exercise went from a chore to a joy, a vital part of my day that I couldn’t imagine skipping. Now, it's my purpose and dharma - it's the message that I can communicate best.

Now, as a yoga teacher and fitness advocate, I understand the struggles firsthand. Motivation still wavers, but habit keeps me grounded. It’s like brushing teeth—a non-negotiable for my well-being.

So, here’s my advice: go easy on yourself. Start small with realistic goals you can effortlessly meet. Once those habits stick, elevate the challenge. Need some ideas? Here are five simple ways to integrate breath body practices into your daily routine:

  1. Morning Roll: Spend five minutes rolling around in bed, stretching and unkinking your muscles.

  2. 4- or 9-Minute Marathon: Walk, jog, or run for a brief but effective burst of exercise.

  3. 7-Minute Workout: Try a quick, equipment-free workout to energize your mornings. [More on this soon and if I never come back to edit or hyperlink this, look for something called "Strength on Demand"]

  4. Six Sun Salutations: Activate your muscles with this short yoga sequence.

  5. Zombies Run: Turn running into a game with this fun app.

Choose one and make it a morning ritual. Boost your metabolism, energize your day, and start your journey to thriving!

If you’re looking to deepen your practice or integrate more healthy habits into your life, consider joining my Yoga Health Club. It’s time to transform your experience and, in turn, change your world.

Let’s embrace the joy of movement together. Whether it’s through nature walks, yoga sessions, or quick interval exercises, let’s make exercise a celebration of our body’s incredible capabilities.

Join me in rediscovering the bliss of mindful movement and embracing a life filled with vitality, joy, and well-being.

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