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Discover the practice of Self Massage: Abhyanga

There’s something truly magical about taking time for yourself, especially when it involves anointing yourself from head to toe with warm oil—a practice known as Abhyanga in Ayurveda. I know anointing isn't a typical everyday word but since this is typically a sacred praactice - it's important to have that word association with it. It’s not just about skincare; it’s a deep dive into self-care, where every stroke of oil becomes a gesture of love towards your body and soul.

The Essence of Abhyanga

In Sanskrit, "Sneha" means both "oil" and "love." It’s said that Abhyanga’s effects mimic the sensation of being saturated with love itself—bringing stability and warmth to your entire being.

Benefits of Abhyanga

The benefits grow as you continue to practice, like much of yoga:

  • Nourishes the entire body, reducing the effects of aging

  • Enhances muscle tone and vigor of the tissues

  • Imparts firmness to the limbs and lubricates the joints

  • Increases circulation and stimulates internal organs

  • Assists in detoxification by moving lymph and eliminating impurities

  • Boosts stamina and calms the nerves, promoting better sleep

  • Enhances vision and makes hair grow luxuriantly

  • Softens and smoothens skin, reducing wrinkles

Choosing Your Abhyanga Routine and Oils

Tailor your routine to your dosha type:

  • Vata Dosha: 4-5 times a week with sesame, almond, or Vata-balancing oils

  • Pitta Dosha: 3-4 times a week with coconut, sunflower, or Pitta-balancing oils

  • Kapha Dosha: 1-2 times a week with safflower or Kapha-balancing oils

  • Good for All Three Doshas: Jojoba oil, versatile and beneficial for everyone.

Steps for Your Self-Massage

  1. Prepare Your Oil: Warm it gently to a comfortable temperature. Many like to run the bottle under hot water or even place it in water that has already been boiled.

  2. Set the Scene: Find a warm, cozy spot to sit or stand your bathroom works great.

  3. Head to Toe: Begin at the crown of your head, massaging in circular motions. Move down to your face, then limbs, always towards your heart.

  4. Focus Areas: Pay attention to your abdomen, chest, and feet, massaging with care.

  5. Absorb and Relax: Sit with the oil for 5-15 minutes to let it penetrate deeply. I typically wear clothing I am not really concerned about and read, journal or meditate.

  6. Rinse Off: Enjoy a warm bath or shower, using mild soap sparingly - don't forget to give a good rinse to the shower/tub floor to prevent slipping.

  7. Finish Strong: Gently towel dry and relish the nourished feeling throughout your day.

Embrace Your Ritual

By making Abhyanga a part of your routine, you honor not only your physical body but also your inner well-being. It’s a journey of self-love that starts with a simple practice and blossoms into a daily celebration of health and vitality.

Take time for "Me Time" and let Abhyanga be your gateway to everyday wellness. Treat yourself to this ancient tradition and watch as it transforms your days into moments of joy and rejuvenation.

Interested in learning more about Yoga or Ayurveda? Schedule a free 15-minute wellness call with Chrissie!

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