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Ayurveda for the holidays

“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” —Henry David Thoreau

Check it out, the holiday are right around the corner. November 6 we set our clocks back and then Thanksgiving and December holidays will be here. Before we know it, we will be "Cheersing" to 2023, and saying so-long to 2022.

Take it from me, I know first hand how uncomfortable the holidays can be with blended families, traveling far and long to see them, small kitchens to move around in and about 12 alpha females. Luckily, I have some tips and trick to save your sanity, electric budget and to maintain your calm in the cooler weather we love to call Fall and Winter.

Food & Focus

Water- pour yourself a liter of warm/hot water in the morning. Add some lemon if you really want a kick start for the liver effect. This is so great for the lymphatic system and the nervous system. The warm water really sets off and of the energetic chaos that has settled into the soft tissue spaces and, for the sake of my great analogies, it's like cleaning the carpets... DAILY! Sip this warm water every 20 minutes and it will move all the gunk out!

Rich Bone Broth: Often times in the winter we want deep flavorful food but it doesn't have to weigh you down and make you sluggish or lethargic. Take the roast you made for the holiday, stick it in the crock pot with some onions, garlic and carrots for POA or and slip that deep dark broth for your dinner or between meal to tide you over. Bone broth is so nutrient dense: This about it. We are boiling down the bones, what's in bone? Well calcium for starters, but magnesium, phosphorous and all sorts of collagen and keratins. Then, literally, inside the bones is marrow - what does marrow do? Marrow produces red and white blood cells. This is an immune booster in itself - this is why when you are sick the first thing mama used to do was make you some chicken soup. It wasn't for the noodles or the warmth, it was for the good yumm nutrients! Bottoms up!

Balance: it's totally fine to go all out on Thanksgiving Day and have one of everything, including the 12 pies that each aunt from both sides of the family brought. But tomorrow? Dial it back in with some smoothies or a fast mimicking meal day so that your system has a change to regulate itself from the gluttonous behaviors.

6+9 - Aim for being done with dinner by 6 and then in bed by 9.

Go at your own pace - no rush, no worry, no hurry.

Make a seasonal alter that really resonates to you! This is great to bring family trinkets

WALK! Early in the morning is best

Listen - You have shelter and plenty to eat, stop adding to the spending spree and gift your friends with your full attention and time. This is more valuable than anything you can get for them at TJMaxx.

Maximize your time: Family first - exercise solitude and prioritize your own time first because you start to puppeteer for others. Do what you really want to do, eat what you really want to eat, spend time with those who really matter. Those are the sacred ways to keep your attention and holiday season.



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