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Ayurveda for Summertime Care

"Every object, well contemplated, creates an organ for its perception" - Goethe

As we enter the three steps of Kriya Yoga, we enter into the three steps of Tapas, Svadyaya and Isvara Pranidhana. Here, Tapas can be see as positive action or enacting the steps of a plan. Typically, Tapas is likened to heat or fire. This can then be expanded to mean the fire or zest for life. What ignites your flame? What gives you that drive and determination for attaining goals and the next steps - this is seen as the definition of Tapas.

Change is uncomfortable - there is no doubt about it. It causes stress, friction and unease which are all inflammatory to routine and day to day living. This is Tapas too. Without that catalyst for heat, the change wouldn’t happen. The heat that is generated by physical, mental or emotional change incinerates the impurities and refines those sense organs as they relate to the heart mind. I always sage a new dwelling before I enter with my stuff. I have no reason to commingle our “mind stuff” so, saging and applying that Tapas to the new move helps purify and ignite what is destined to me.

There is a quote about “Eat that frog,” which, simply put means, do the hard stuff first. If you have the discipline to do the hard stuff first, you are exhibiting Tapas. Get this.. When you continually load your system with harder and harder things, the hard thing becomes the easy thing and you now have an overwhelming capacity to take on the hard stuff with ease. This is Tapas.

Let’s remember, any form of Tapas that leads to harming ourselves and others goes against our first Yama, Ahimsa.

On the mat, the discipline to show up every single day is Tapas, but it’s also not staying complacent with your practice, it’s seen in increasing the intensity of the flow regularly. Tapas is seen in sitting down to meditate daily. It’s mental toughness to stick through hard times and not giving up until your body fatigues you in a physical agility workout. The mind usually always gives up before the body; giving in to that is not disciplined.

Off of the mat, Tapas can be seen in actions and goals, always attending conferences and continuing education to improve a skill set could be Tapas as you are dedicating yourself to your job. Tapas can be seen in relationships, not giving up and walking away or breaking up, working through upset and turmoil in a healthy manner.

This summer, you can rebalance your Tapas energy by either jumping into family and dedicating your life to rest and reset - like many teachers do. Or, you can use that energy to forge a new pathway in a hobby, your travels or just soaking in the heat of the sun. If you struggle with your balance, take a week or two of journaling and make an inventory of when you feel most productive and most energized in that "get shit done" mentality. Those are the activities that drive Tapas for you!

Enjoy your summer and reach out with your WINS on our Facebook Forum


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