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August 2024 Q&A

Make sure to follow my personal account on Instagram @yogitrainer and also my business account @subala843 If Facebook is more your scene, I’m at I’d say you could subscribe to my emails but we all know I don’t send very many of them.. You can ask questions on any of those social media platforms!

I'd also like to encourage you to check out my Pinterest Page for any inspiration you didn't know you needed

First 3 Questions

  • How do I stay motivated to exercise regularly?

For me, it's about my future self. I want to be able to get up and down off of the ground with grandchildren one day. I want to enjoy movement and mobility well into my 80s and I know that a body in motion stays in motion. Just like water that doesn't move that becomes stagnant and diseased, if you don't move your body the same thing will happen and that kind of terrifies me. I think I am more afraid of not being able to move more than going blind or losing my sense of hearing to be honest.

I honestly try to stretch or walk everyday. It is very hard for me to stay motivated to lift weights daily, like many people. Besides doing it for my next self, I want to stay healthy for my family so I can continue to garden, do projects around the house and other things that would require my strength and mobility.

  • How do I improve my flexibility?

To improve your mobility, you need to start somewhere. You can begin gently stretching, just like you learned in PE classes. As the days go on the mobility will improve over time. If you don't remember what those stretches look and feel like, you can find some demonstrations on my YouTube page here:

  • Do you accept my insurance?

Because I am self employed, no, I do not accept any payment via insurance. I am happy to talk to your physical therapist about protocols for therapy, but that's about as formal as my services go right now.

If you are looking for a way to learn how to set boundaries with your schedule, food choices or even more discipline with your workouts or time management, The Yoga Health Club might be for you. I don't know anything who wouldn't be a good candidate actually. In the Yoga Health Club we move from surviving and just barely getting by to thriving in our own bodies, our own environment and we take back and redefine what HEALTH is, together. If you'd like to know more, schedule a call with Chrissie here:


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