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6 Self Care ideas in Summer 2022

It's been about 2 years since COVID-19 shut down all of America and we are still feeling and reeling from the the changes and constant modifications that were thrown at us. Even if you are in public education like I am, many industries adapted, then changed the rules... adapted, then changed the rules. In education, we call this "modify and adjust" but during COVID, the adjustments were so harsh and with little prep time, mental health challenges became more prevalent. This is what a few months of isolation, change and no real direction and help will get someone who is struggling.

As we navigate through 2022 (we're almost at the half way point!), I have some tips and tricks that you can test out this summer that could increase your energy, lower your stress and improve your overall well-being.

First off, let's ignore the silly trend of doing what's necessary as being called self care. I can't stand social media images where there are #SelfcareSundays where a woman is sitting on the beach alone. This is necessary: It's called Sitting in Silence. Many people cannot operate with the noise, static and chatter of the world constantly. Withdrawing from the senses (pratyahara in yoga talk) is absolutely necessary! Another one I dislike is a picture of a great salad, vibrant with color and nutrients and calling it whatever #SelfCare trend is popular that day. NO! You need that. You actually need that every day! Get your green, eat your fruits and drink plenty of water EVERY DAY! Don't mistake "Taking Care of Your Body" with "Self Care".

Here is a list of 6 things to do this summer that will ignite your soul and spirit within. Some you can do everyday, some are going to be just once this summer and some might not even interest you. Sift though the list and choose a few activities that will recharge your batteries and fill your cup. Remember, you can't fill from an empty cup!

Self Care Ideas for Summer 2022

  1. Get outside: Go to the beach, the mountains or the river and get some fresh air and physical activity. Science says that not only is the sun energizing and supportive of a healthy immune system, but fresh outdoor air is too. This by default will stimulate your red blood cells to carry more oxygen and it will be energizing! Huge benefit if you live by the ocean: The sale air is very purifying and restorative to the microbiome of the nasal cavity, throat and lungs! Remember, breathe through your nose as much as possible because there is a permeable covering at the top of your nasal cavity to the frontal lobe of the brain so literally, you are oxygenating the brain. The brain only requires oxygen and glucose for function!

  2. Journal: Hit the cute stationary shop and journal. Start writing stuff down. Don't know how to journal? I didn't either at one point. I started with the 5 Minute Brain Dump. Here's how you can do it:

    • Set a timer for 5 minutes. Write down everything and anything that comes into your mind from how you felt last night when you were insulted to what is on your to do list today. You can write about yourself, others, your dog, it's a free flow of thoughts. It doesn't have to be grammatically correct and it doesn't have to be read back. It's more just the process of getting your thoughts out on to a piece of paper and feeling at ease afterwards.

    • Other things to journal about: Write 5 kind things about yourself, write a love letter, map out what this day 5 years from now will be like, document what lead to you being stressed out to find the root pattern/cause, write down 5 great things that happened today and 3 great things that can happen tomorrow

3. Meditate: This is a big one and I am actually developing a course on this RIGHT NOW! However, a few weeks ago I got back into my meditation practice and damn, I missed it. I don't really know why I gave it up - maybe I thought I didn't have time or I thought I had my shit together and it worked so, I didn't need to do it anymore. That's usually why I start something and end up stopping it... The trick is that with meditation, the benefits increase exponentially when you stick with the habit for longer and longer periods of time. I can only imagine where I would be now if I never stopped (in 2014 is when I started!!) So, you don't know how to meditate? Check back soon because I will be offering a 6 week course and a 12 week course that will focus just on this!

For starters, try this

  • Get that timer out again and set it for 10 minutes. Start with light lateral stretches opening up the check, belly and back with a few back bends and a few forward folds. In yoga, it's known that the reason for a yoga practice is to get the physical energy exhausted from the body to prepare it to sit in stillness. You are just trying to get some light movement in to sit in stillness. When you are finished stretching, sit down in a chair, closet to the edge of the chair, with your chin paralleled to the floor, your eyes closed and your hands on your lap, palms facing up for energy receiving, palms facing down for grounding. Your job to to just sit there, eyes closed, on the edge of your seat, until the timer goes off! Don't know what to focus on? Not a problem. You can focus on your breath - each inhale and exhale that happens, envision the air filling up your throat and lungs. If that's boring, start to listen, with your eyes closed, at the sounds of your environment. Don't peek, but just try to determine how far away the sounds are. Try to listen to the furthest thing away from you and then listen to something closer, then closer, the quieter and closer. Eventually, you will make it back to your body where you can actually hear your heart beating! Try it!

4. Unplug from your phone regularly: Don't be bothered that you left your phone at home when you were at family dinner. Everyone that needed you knew how to find you, trust me. The social media comparisons, the gravity of the news, the extreme stimulation of the cones and rods in our eyes because of the blue and white lights - it's all bad. For years there has been suspected radiation from the various G networks in our phones. Your cell phone is a communication device, not an entertainment tool. You need entertainment, get back outside and garden, go for a walk, go hiking or fishing. Find entertainment in your world, don't let your smart take over and become your world. There are real people, real recipes and real adventures to take part in, not just watch in your palm.

5. Pick or buy flowers: There's something to be said about living things and how they make beautiful home adornments. Especially during the summer time! If your a gardener, then you probably know where to pick and make a beautiful arrangement but for the black thumbs, go find a wildflower bundle from the store and pop them in a vase in an obviously well seen location. This will absolutely increase smiles and probably productivity.

6. Pay it forwards: A sure way to feel good about yourself is doing something for someone else and not demanding anything back for it. A random act of kindness like helping the old lady bring in groceries or picking up trash from your favorite creek. A selfless act is never wasted and usually comes back to you 10 fold.

I am sure there are more, can you think of some? We can continue the conversation in my dynamic interaction group located here.

That's all for now - as always, my heart hugs your heart, namaste




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