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15 Signs you need more water

Hydration and Holistic Wellness: A Yogi’s Perspective on Staying Well Hydrated

In the world of yoga and holistic health, hydration isn't just about quenching thirst—it's about maintaining balance and harmony within the body. We've all heard the recommendation to drink eight glasses of water a day, but how many of us actually adhere to it?

Growing up, we're often reminded of the importance of water intake, yet it's easy to lose track of how much we're actually consuming. As yogis, we know the significance of mindfulness, but how often do we extend this practice to our hydration habits?

In this post, we'll explore 15 signs that indicate you need to increase your water intake and how proper hydration aligns with yogic principles.

My Personal Journey with Dehydration

I once experienced a period of extreme fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Despite consuming energy-rich foods, healthy smoothies, and maintaining my yoga practice, my energy levels remained low. Mornings were a struggle, and by midday, I could barely keep my eyes open.

Little did I know, dehydration was the root cause. Water had never been my beverage of choice, and I realized I wasn't drinking much throughout the day—only during meals, and even then, not much.

The human body relies on water for survival. Water is vital for our cells, organs, and tissues, regulating body temperature and supporting various bodily functions. We lose water through digestion, sweating, and even breathing, making it essential to replenish our bodies' natural water loss.

15 Signs You Need More Water

  1. Increased Heart Rate: Your heart works harder to pump blood when dehydrated.

  2. Lack of Energy: Dehydration leads to fatigue and low energy levels.

  3. Extreme Fatigue: Chronic dehydration can cause persistent tiredness.

  4. Dark Urine: A clear sign that your body needs more water.

  5. Decreased Urine Output: Urinating less frequently can indicate dehydration.

  6. Increased Hunger: Sometimes, our body confuses thirst with hunger.

  7. Muscle and Joint Pain: Water is essential for lubricating joints and muscles.

  8. Constipation: Proper hydration aids in healthy digestion.

  9. Headaches: Dehydration can cause frequent headaches.

  10. Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or dizzy is a common symptom.

  11. Dry Mouth: Your mouth may feel dry and sticky.

  12. Bad Breath: Lack of saliva can cause bacteria buildup in the mouth.

  13. Poor Concentration: Dehydration impacts cognitive function.

  14. Brain Fog (Confusion, Forgetfulness, Memory Loss): Your mental clarity suffers.

  15. Dry Skin: Skin becomes less elastic and more prone to dryness.

Recovering From Dehydration: 10 Yogic Tips

Now that you can recognize the signs of dehydration, here are ten tips to help you stay properly hydrated:

  1. Start your day with a glass of room temperature water: This kickstarts your metabolism and hydrates your body.

  2. Include water-rich fruits and vegetables in your daily diet: Think cucumbers, watermelon, and leafy greens.

  3. Limit alcoholic beverages: Alcohol can dehydrate your body.

  4. Carry a refillable water bottle with you: Make it a habit to sip water throughout the day.

  5. Reduce consumption of caffeinated drinks: Caffeine can have a diuretic effect.

  6. Consider using a smart water bottle to track your intake: These tools can help you monitor your hydration levels.

  7. Minimize energy drink consumption: They often contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine.

  8. Increase water intake if you're sick or experiencing diarrhea: Your body needs more fluids to recover.

  9. Drink a glass of water before each meal: This helps with digestion and keeps you hydrated.

  10. Have a glass of water when experiencing food cravings: Sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger.

Are You Dehydrated?

If you're experiencing several symptoms from the list, dehydration could be the cause. Try implementing the ten hydration tips and monitor if your symptoms improve.

Remember, your body relies on water. Take care of it, and it will take care of you. Hydration is not just a physical necessity but a cornerstone of holistic health and wellness. In the practice of yoga, we strive for balance and harmony—ensuring proper hydration is a vital step in achieving that state of equilibrium. Namaste.

Have you heard of The Yoga Health Club yet? It's a year long journey that dives into rhythm, nourishment and YOU. We tap back into mother nature, we use the motivation of togetherness and we adapt our schedules to healthier choices and learn the habits of longevity. If this is something that you'd like to learn more about, schedule a call with Chrissie here:


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